hosted by: Jessica Guzik

The Art of Speaking Up Podcast

The Art of Speaking Up is a podcast that empowers professional women to achieve their wildest career goals by helping them strengthen their voices and find their inner power. The show aims to motivate, entertain, and remind working women that no matter what they might be struggling with, anything is possible for them in their careers. In addition to providing strengths-based professional empowerment, the show curates practical career advice on topics like career advancement, goal setting, job searching, stress management, salary negotiation and more. ‌

309 | How to speak up more in meetings (part 2)

Are you struggling to find your voice in work meetings? It’s totally, 100% normal to struggle to find your voice...

308 | How to speak up more in meetings (part 1)

Are you struggling to find your voice in work meetings? It’s totally, 100% normal to struggle to find your voice...

307 | How to get buy-in from your stakeholders (persuasive assertiveness 101)

As you transition into leadership, you’ll be expected to get things done without necessarily doing them yourself.  This means your...

306 | What is executive communication, and how do I get good at it?

If you want to develop a reputation that helps you advance into leadership positions, executive communication is an essential skill...

305 | Knowing what makes you exceptional

Feeling down, frustrated, or in need of a pick-me-up? Today’s episode is PERFECT for you.  It’s all about how to...

304 | How to get credit for your work so you can get recognized + promoted

Success in Corporate America is NOT just about hard work – it’s also about being strategic in the way you...

303 | Getting past the fear of doing your job “wrong”

If you’re someone who cares deeply about doing your job right, today’s episode is for you.  Sometimes in our quest...

302 | Assertiveness vs. aggressiveness: how to communicate in a way that’s assertive but not adversarial

Assertive communication is a non-negotiable skill for success in your corporate career – it’s how you establish a reputation as...

301 | How to navigate conflict + how to work with difficult stakeholders

If you work in a corporate environment in a role that requires you to interface with other teams, running into...

300 | Shift your mindset from doubting yourself to believing you’re fully capable

If you want to feel more confident about your capabilities at work, today’s episode is for you.  In today’s episode,...

299 | 3 steps that’ll help you develop unstoppable, un-messwithable confidence

Growing your self-confidence is hands down one of the single most powerful things you can do to further your career....

298 | Things people get wrong about assertive communication (part 2)

Assertive communication is an essential skill for elevating into leadership positions, and yet, it’s one of the top things I...

297 | Things people get wrong about assertive communication (part 1)

Assertive communication is an essential skill for elevating into leadership positions, and yet, it’s one of the top things I...

296 | How to be more concise when you speak

If you want to be crisp, concise and super polished when you speak – today’s episode is for you.  ...

295 | 2 Simple tweaks that’ll make your verbal communication more impressive & executive friendly

Your verbal communication is one of your most powerful assets when it comes to furthering your career.   Strong executive...

294 | The #1 most important ingredient for confident, compelling verbal communication

If you want to be super confident and compelling when you speak, today’s episode is for you.  In this episode,...

BONUS: A quick update + 3 rapidfire tips to improve your verbal commmunication

This week’s full length episode is delayed due to some really bad luck (and bad decisions…#oops), so today I’m publishing...

293 | 2 simple ingredients to help you achieve lasting confidence & professional success (part 2)

In part 2 of this episode series, I’m deep diving into the #1 key ingredient that will help you thrive...

292 | 2 simple ingredients to help you achieve lasting confidence & professional success (part 1)

This week’s episode is a JUICY one!    If you want to create big success and build big confidence along...

291 | How to be highly compelling when speaking to executives

One of the most powerful ingredients that’ll accelerate your career path is the skill of executive communication.  When you master...

290 | Building a successful corporate career that includes LOTS of rest and time off with Katrina McGhee

If you want to have a thriving 9-5 career AND a super high quality of life outside of your career,...

289 | No more impostor syndrome: learning to feel confident with the exact, imperfect skillset you already have

If you struggle with impostor syndrome, aka the persistent feeling that you’re lacking the skills you need to succeed in...

288 | What to do when your mind goes blank while you’re speaking (how to stay confident + in control)

Are you afraid of your mind going blank when you’re speaking?  If so, you’re not alone.  The fear of going...

287 | Obstacles to assertiveness, part 4: why it’s worth facing your fears

In this final episode of the assertive communication series, I’m diving into all the incredible positive changes you’ll experience when...

286 | Overcoming obstacles to assertiveness, part 3: overcoming the fear of saying something stupid/wrong

If you’re trying to find your voice and become more assertive at work, you’ve very likely confronted the fear of...

285 | Overcoming obstacles to assertiveness, part 2: overcoming the fear of being judged

One of the biggest things that prevents people from being more assertive is the fear of being judged.  As soon...

284 | Overcoming obstacles to assertiveness, part 1: overcoming the fear of being aggressive / inauthentic

If you struggle to communicate assertively, you’re not alone.  I’ve coached over 100 women and assertiveness is one of the...

283 | How to reignite your belief in yourself when you’re feeling stuck

If you ever find yourself feeling stuck in your quest for growth – I want to normalize this experience and...

282 | 10 professional struggles that are super common & how they’ll make you stronger

Today’s episode is all about inspiring you to STICK with your career goals & dreams, even when things get difficult....

281 | How to create highly impressive, executive-friendly slide presentations that position you as an authority

Crisp, compelling slide presentations have enormous power when it comes to your career progression – when you consistently impress executives...

280 | How to become unstoppable in your role (even if you don’t have all the answers, knowledge, or expertise)

Ever feel like you’d do way better in your role if you just had more expertise, more knowledge, and more...

279 | How to face your fears and take the first step towards your professional goals & aspirations with Sofie Gustafsson

Today I’m interviewing Sofie G., an ambitious, driven female leader and prior alum of The Art of Speaking Up Academy....

278 | How to navigate the transition from individual contributor/middle manager into a leadership/executive role

If you’ve recently transitioned into a leadership role or you’re in process of doing more leadership-oriented projects, today’s episode is...

277 | How to recover when you make a mistake at work

Today’s episode is all about mistakes.  When it comes to making mistakes, here’s what I DON’T suggest you do:  ...

276 | Overthinking, the pressure to have all the answers, and why messy is better than perfect with Ivna Curi

In today’s episode, I’m putting myself in the hotseat and I’m being interviewed by fellow career coach, Ivna Curi. Tune...

275 | You can be imperfect, messy, & struggling…and still be a wildly effective leader

If you feel like you’re a mess some days and you worry you’ll never feel confident or ‘together’ enough to...

274 | Releasing the grip of impostor syndrome so you can perform at your fullest potential

If you ever find yourself caught in the fear that you aren’t skilled enough to succeed in your role, then...

273 | How to build confidence in yourself and your capabilities

If you want to feel more confident about yourself and your capabilities at work, this week’s episode is for you....

BONUS: Time-sensitive update on enrolling in the next cohort of The Art of Speaking Up Academy

To add yourself to the waitlist, head to:     Have questions about The Art of Speaking Up...

272 | Compelling verbal communication & the art of staying confident when doubt pops up

Compelling verbal communication is a necessary skill for an upwardly mobile career – it helps you make a powerful impression...

271 | How to develop a stronger voice in rooms with leaders & executives who intimidate you

Being a visible and vocal participant in meetings with leaders & execs present is hugely important when it comes to...

270 | 3 Simple tweaks to help you convey authority, leadership & credibility when you speak

Strong, effective verbal communication is a non-negotiable if you want to thrive in a corporate setting. The good news is,...

269 | How to push past negative self-talk

If you struggle with negative thoughts and negative self-talk, today’s episode is for you.  Today I’m walking you through some...

BONUS: Can I get your input?

Today I’m doing something different….   Instead of sharing a tip or lesson with you, I wanted to ask you...

268 | How to be an excellent verbal communicator without having to be 100% perfect

If you want to be a highly effective verbal communicator, today’s episode is for you.  You might think you need...

267 | 3 simple tips to help you feel more confident speaking off the cuff

If the idea of speaking off the cuff stresses you out, today’s episode will hopefully be a breath of fresh...

266 | Overdeliver without overworking: The art of managing up (part 2)

If you want to thrive in your corporate career without overworking, managing up is an essential skill to master. In...

265 | Overdeliver without overworking: The art of managing up (part 1)

If you want to thrive in your corporate career without overworking, managing up is an essential skill to master. In...

264 | Being yourself at work, self-acceptance vs. complacency, human centered leadership + more with Betty Chan

This week on the podcast I’m honored to welcome Betty Chan – authenticity coach, prior 9-5er, and all around amazing...

263 | Assertiveness: the ultimate guide for people pleasers, empaths, and the highly sensitive

If you want to advance into leadership roles (and thrive once you’re in them), you have to master the skill...

262 | Mindset: the most powerful path to building confidence that LASTS

You’re capable of SO much more than you think you are.     I know that when things are feeling tough...

261 | The nuances in speaking up with Felicia Enuha

This week on the podcast I’m interviewing Felicia Ann Rose Enuha, host and creator of The Trill MBA show podcast....

260 | Why change is so hard and how to keep going on the days you’re feeling down

Building confidence and growing as a leader is HARD work.  Your confidence-building journey will require you to say goodbye to...

259 | The #1 most effective way to exude confidence even when you feel nervous or insecure

If you want to sound more confident when you speak EVEN if you feel nervous or insecure, today’s episode is...

258 | How to elevate your communication & speak like a leader

I want your communication to be so good that it gets you on a fast path to leadership – and...

257 | How to make a powerful impression even if you speak IMperfectly

You don’t need to be 100% perfect in order to make a powerful impression on your audience when you speak....

256 | How to impress higher-ups in meetings (hint: you DON’T need to be the smartest person in the room)

If you want to make a powerful impression on leaders when you speak up in meetings, today’s episode is for...

255 | The magic in mindset, part 2: becoming the version of you who can accomplish anything

Today’s episode is fiiiiiiire!     If you’re trying to grow your confidence and become more effective in your role, you’re...

254 | The magic in mindset, part 1: your secret superpower that’ll make you unstoppable

If you want to feel confident and carve a powerful career path for yourself, mindset work is an absolute must. ...

253 | How to make a strong impression on executives when you speak

The more you impress leaders & executives when you speak, the more it benefits your career.   Many people think...

252 | How to THRIVE in a leadership role (without having to be perfect or compromise your values)

If you want to create BIG success in a leadership role, this week’s episode is for you.   So many...

251 | “So, tell me about yourself” phobia (reflections on facing your fears & finding real confidence)

If you’ve ever felt consumed by feelings of unworthiness & self-doubt, today’s episode is for you.   This episode is...

250 | The art of stakeholder influence (aka, how to get an enthusiastic YES to your next big ask)

If you want to build an upwardly mobile career, getting good at influencing  is essential.   Whether you’re pitching yourself...

249 | How to speak in a way that’s confident AND authentic (and why it’s OK if that’s hard for you)

If you want to find a voice that’s confident but also super authentic – this week’s episode is for you.  ...

248 | The one mindset shift that’ll help you thrive in leadership roles

This week’s episode is for you if you want to elevate into leadership roles AND thrive once you’re in them....

247 | Underearning: what it looks like and how to break your pattern of underearning

This week’s episode is about a topic I’m personally very familiar with: underearning.   Underearning is about more than just...

246 | 3 simple shifts that’ll help you exude confidence when you speak

Do you want to SOUND confident when you speak?  If so, you’re gonna love today’s episode.  I’m diving deep into...

245 | Unstoppable voice, part 3: releasing the individual contributor mindset

If you want to develop a voice that gets you NOTICED, this episode is for you! In this final installment...

244 | Unstoppable voice, part 2: releasing self-criticism

If you want to develop a confident voice, today’s bonus episode is a MUST listen.   Today I’m walking you...

243 | Unstoppable voice, part 1: releasing perfectionism

Today’s episode kicks off a bonus mini-series designed to help you develop an unstoppable voice at work!   In this...

The Art of Speaking Up Academy: Doors are open + Unexpected news & updates

Doors are OFFICIALLY open to my signature program, The Art of Speaking Up Academy.   This program is a 6...

242 | How to develop a voice that’s confident, effective, and fully authentic to you

If you want to go from being quiet & timid to speaking up and getting noticed, this week’s episode is...

241 | How to communicate confidently when you’re put on the spot

If you want to become more confident thinking on your feet, you’re going to love this week’s episode.   I...

240 | The #1 thing that’ll elevate the quality of your communication

When your communication is high quality, people assume your work is high-quality, too.   This is why communication skills are...

239 | Advanced assertiveness: how to disagree in a way feels collaborative AND commands respect

If you want to succeed in your role and advance into leadership, you have to be able to navigate the...

238 | How to build confidence, find your voice, and THRIVE as an ambitious female professional

This week I have a VERY special podcast episode.   I’m doing a super transparent, wisdom-packed interview with two alums...

237 | My #1 most powerful hack for building lasting confidence

If you want to feel more confident at work, this week’s podcast episode is for you.  As someone who has...

236 | How to have strategic professional development conversations that help you advance

If you want to advance quickly in your career, knowing how to have strategic professional development conversations is essential.    ...

235 | Why you should ask lots of stupid questions

If you ever keep quiet in meetings because you’re afraid of asking a stupid question, this week’s podcast episode is...

234 | How to be direct and assertive without being an a-hole

If you want to learn to be more direct and assertive WITHOUT alienating your audience, this week’s episode is for...

233 | Bonus: behind the scenes of The Art of Speaking Up Academy + my career story, raw & unfiltered

  Tune in to hear me share an exciting announcement about The Art of Speaking Up Academy, along with an...

232 | How to find your voice when you feel like the least competent person in the room

Do you ever find yourself sitting in a meeting, feeling like an outsider and wondering if you’re supposed to be...

231 | Self advocacy 101: how to take credit for your accomplishments in an honest & authentic way

If you want to advance upwards in your career, learning how to speak about your accomplishments (and take credit for...

230 | Why you DON’T need to work harder or be more skilled to thrive in an executive role

Do you worry that becoming an executive means you’ll have to work like crazy?  Do you feel like you need...

229 | How to sound more confident and authoritative when you speak (even if you’re feeling nervous)

If you want to have a more powerful sounding voice and a super impactful executive presence, this week’s podcast episode...

228 | Executive presence: why the old-school corporate approach makes me mad + how to find a voice that’s AUTHENTIC

This week’s podcast episode is my fieriest one yet.   Here’s why: corporate america is sometimes really bad at helping...

227 | How impostor syndrome impacts your struggle with assertiveness + how to disagree with higher-ups

If you’re trying to become more assertive at work, it’s super important to remember this:   Impostor syndrome and assertiveness...

226 | Assertiveness: what it is, why it’s hard, and how to get really good at it

If you want to succeed in your role, assertiveness is an essential skill to master.  I know it can feel...

225 | Evolving past impostor syndrome and towards powerful, high-impact leadership

If you struggle with impostor syndrome but want to succeed and advance in your career, today’s episode was made for...

224 | The key to building unshakable, CEO-level confidence

If you want to feel more confident in your role at work, you’ve set a super wise goal for yourself. ...

223 | When you’re feeling frustrated or disappointed with yourself

If you have big goals for your career and your professional evolution, there’s a really high likelihood that you’ll face...

222 | How to show people that you can lead

If you’ve ever been told that you’re doing amazing work, but that you need to demonstrate more leadership skills, today’s...

221 | Executive communication: what it is, why it matters, and how to wow your audience every time

Strong executive communication skills can be the difference maker between rapid advancement versus plateauing in your career.  Even if you...

220 | The #1 thing that makes it hard to feel more confident in meetings

Today’s episode is for you if you want to feel and sound more confident in meetings, but are feeling a...

219 | How to advocate for a promotion without feeling icky or weird about it

If you want to be on an accelerated path to leadership, then it’s super wise to be vocal and transparent...

Update: Enrollment for The Art of Speaking Up Academy is extended until Thursday, 12/1

To schedule time with me to chat this week, head to:   If you’re having troubles scheduling time, you...

218 | How to go for the promotion even when impostor syndrome tries to keep you small

Are you super motivated to grow in your career but also super afraid that you lack the skills to achieve...

217 | 3 meeting behaviors that demonstrate your readiness for a promotion

If getting on an accelerated path to a promotion is important to you, then meetings are a key place where...

216 | How to speak with CEO-level sophistication (5 steps to mastering meetings, part 2)

Do you want to take up space and get noticed in meetings?   Are you ready to finally show your...

215 | The key to exuding confidence & presence in meetings (5 steps to mastering meetings, part 1)

Do you want to take up space and get noticed in meetings?   Are you ready to finally show your...

214 | 10 Reasons to join The Art of Speaking Up Academy (Part 2)

**Enrollment dates for The Art of Speaking Up Academy** Early Enrollment: November 1-4 (get a discount on tuition – must...

213 | 10 Reasons to join The Art of Speaking Up Academy (Part 1)

**Enrollment dates for The Art of Speaking Up Academy** Early Enrollment: November 1-4 (get a discount on tuition – must...

212 | How to be assertive without being adversarial

If you want to be on a path to leadership, then assertiveness is a skill you absolutely must master.  Without...

211 | The ONE shift that’ll make you way more powerful & impressive in meetings (part 2)

Learning how to stand out in meetings is a must if you want to build a powerful corporate career.  ...

210 | The ONE shift that’ll make you way more powerful & impressive in meetings (part 1)

If you want to build a powerful career, you have to learn to stand out in meetings.     The good...

209 | How to effectively communicate with executives

Learning to effectively communicate with executives will create SO many benefits in your career – your meetings will run more...

208 | Break past your perceived limitations and build confidence that lasts a lifetime (mindset foundations, part 3)

I believe that you can build unshakeable confidence that supports a wildly powerful career, EVEN IF you doubt yourself and...

207 | Are limiting beliefs preventing you from trusting in your own potential? (mindset foundations, part 2)

Do you ever feel like you’re not smart enough, talented enough, or confident enough to build the career you desire?...

206 | Ready to build confidence SO big you feel unstoppable? (mindset foundations, part 1)

If you want to build a wildly powerful career – you’re going to need lots of self-confidence to make that...

205 | What it *really* takes to succeed in high-level leadership roles

If you desire big, leadership roles but also feel afraid that you might not succeed if you were to get...

204 | “Normal” women: reflections on feeling broken and finding worth & belonging as a working woman (season 6 finale)

Today I’m so excited to bring you the season finale for season 6.  The episode I’m sharing today is quite...

203 | The four skills that’ll make you unstoppable in your 9-5 role

Today we are taking an in depth look into four major skills that will help you become wildly effective at...

202 | Feel like the novice in the room? How to be a powerful presence in meetings when you’re not the expert

Do you feel super intimidated in meetings where you’re less experienced than the people around you?  I know it’s super...

201 | How to speak in a way that impresses your audience every single time

If you want to be on an accelerated career trajectory, knowing how to impress your audience when you speak is...

200 | How to achieve excellence in your role without putting in extra hours

It’s easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that in order to be a star performer, you have...

199 | The mindset work that’ll take your career and your confidence to the next level

I’m not going to lie – building a powerful career that’s fueled by unstoppable confidence takes work and effort.  But...

198 | Building wealth in your corporate career (part 3 – accelerating your path to leadership)

In this final installment of my 3-part series on building wealth in your corporate career, I’m walking you through 3...

197 | Building wealth in your corporate career (part 2 – limiting beliefs)

Do you desire an executive leadership role where you do high impact work and make GOOD money?  If you dream...

196 | Building wealth in your corporate career (part 1 – building wealth vs. negotiating salary)

Today’s episode kicks off a series of episodes dedicated to helping you own and pursue your desire to build WEALTH...

195 | When you’re feeling bad about yourself

If you ever find yourself feeling super negatively about yourself and your capabilities – you must listen to this week’s...

194 | Prepping for big meetings: how to nail your talking points without sounding scripted

Do you want to learn how to prep your meeting content in a way that’ll have your audience super impressed...

193 | Getting the promotion AND knowing that you can totally handle it

Today’s episode is super foundational for those of you who want to rise up and learn to feel comfortable taking...

192 | Impostor syndrome and the importance of owning your strengths

Do you sometimes get fixated on the areas of your job that you’re “bad” at?  If so, this episode is...

191 | How to kick off your meetings with ease

I don’t know about you, but I used to struggle SO much when kicking off meetings.  For some reason, saying...

190 | Tackling the fear of advancing upwards: why promotions can feel scary and what to do about it

One of the biggest things that stops women from pursuing leadership and executive positions is fear of the unknown.  When...

189 | Navigating the challenges of working motherhood, advocating for your needs, & untangling from self-blame with Hannah Rudnick

Life as a working mom can be tough, and in this week’s episode I wanted to bring in a perspective...

188 | How impostor syndrome impacts your experience in meetings (and how to break free)

Impostor syndrome and your experience in meetings are VERY tightly linked, and in today’s episode, I’m walking you through how...

187 | Thought leadership and the importance of making your mark in the meeting room (mastering meetings, part 5)

If you want to advance professionally, there are few things more important than thought leadership.  In fact – I’d argue...

186 | Captivation: being masterful with your words and compelling your audience to listen (mastering meetings, part 4)

Today’s episode continues the mini-series on standing out in meetings, and we’re covering one of the most essential communication skills:...

185 | Bonus: Is The Art of Speaking Up Academy right for you?

This week officially kicks off the launch of my group program, The Art of Speaking Up Academy.  In today’s episode,...

184 | Authority: the art of being perceived as the LEADER in the room when you speak (mastering meetings, part 3)

Today’s episode continues my mini-series on standing out in meetings, and today we’re talking about one of the most important...

183 | Visibility: learning to feel comfortable taking up space so your talents get fully recognized (mastering meetings, part 2)

If you want to be upwardly mobile in your career, you have to master visibility.  Visibility means that you’re speaking...

182 | Meetings: from shy and timid to speaking powerfully and getting noticed (mastering meetings, part 1)

There is nothing that will propel your career forward more than having a powerful voice in that meeting room. In...

181 | Why trying to sound smart in meetings isn’t a good idea (and what to do instead)

Do you pressure yourself to sound super smart when you speak up in meetings?   If you do – I...

180 | How to navigate impostor syndrome and self-doubt

The solution to self-doubt and impostor syndrome is NOT to eliminate it, but simply to make sure it doesn’t unintentionally...

179 | If you feel like there are parts of your job that you’re bad at, listen to this

Do you ever feel stressed and discouraged about the parts of your job that are hard for you?  If so,...

178 | The 3 fundamentals of developing a powerful voice in meetings

When you feel and sound confident in meetings, it sets the stage for your entire career to take off.  I...

177 | How to navigate the fear of fumbling your words

One of the biggest fears I hear about from this community is the fear of fumbling your words during a...

176 | Executive communication: how to speak with BIG impact when you’re in the room with higher-ups

Executive communication is a skill that ANYONE can master – even if you feel like speaking up isn’t necessarily your...

175 | How to have a super powerful voice in meetings WITHOUT being loud

Today’s topic FIRES me up because there are some very confused people out there in Corporate America telling women that...

174 | Finding an authentic voice & building the courage to step into the spotlight with Shayelle Dominguez

Today’s episode is perfect for you if you dream of becoming a strong voice in the meeting room.  Today I’m...

173 | Why it’s so hard to feel competent (even if you’re pretty good at what you do)

Questioning your competence is not only exhausting and emotionally draining – but it can prevent you from creating the career...

172 | 4 steps to prepare yourself for leadership and executive roles

Today’s episode is for those of you who dream of becoming executives and leaders.  It’s pretty common to feel some...

171 | Becoming a commanding presence in meetings (even when you’re not an expert)

Commanding a room has WAY less to do with having all the answers than you might think it does.  It’s...

170 | The 3 essentials for building big confidence & becoming wildly effective at your job

Today’s episode is perfect for those of you who are ready for BIG growth and change.  Today I’m walking you...

169 | Speaking up when you feel extremely scared

If you struggle with stage fright, worry, or anxiety when it comes to speaking up at work – today’s episode...

168 | Resume writing 101: common mistakes and what to do instead

Today I’m walking you through the foundational knowledge you need to write a powerful resume.  In this episode, you’ll hear...

167 | Navigating awkwardness and the fear of being put on the spot in meetings

If you struggle with overthinking what you’re going to share in meetings and find yourself falling behind in the conversation...

166 | Impostor syndrome: my struggle with it, how to spot it, and what to do about it

If you struggle with feeling unworthy, incapable, or out of place at work – this episode was created for you. ...

165 | Making 2022 the year you take your confidence & career to the next level

This week I’m helping you DREAM up what might be possible for you this year.  So often, we overestimate how...

164 | 10 lessons on confidence from 2021 (part 2)

Welcome to the show – today I’m doing a very special episode that will hopefully become a yearly tradition –...

163 | 10 lessons on confidence from 2021 (part 1)

Welcome to the show – today I’m doing a very special episode that will hopefully become a yearly tradition –...

162 | How to find the motivation to speak up in meetings that feel intimidating & uncomfortable

Today’s episode is for you if you struggle to speak up in meetings and want to have a stronger voice...

161 | Confidence, navigating rejection, doing it messy, asking for help, & Asian Women Who Boss Up with Sheena Yap Chan

This week I’m talking to confidence coach, podcaster, and bestselling author Sheena Yap Chan all about the growth process, building...

160 | How to speed up your path to promotion

Today’s episode is for you if getting promoted is important to you, and if you’re ready to learn what steps...

159 | Bonus: The Art of Speaking Up Academy Q&A

In today’s bonus episode, I’m answering some questions I’ve been receiving about The Art of Speaking Up Academy.  If you’re...

158 | Badass vs. perfectionist

If you want to build BIG confidence and become a powerful leader, there are certain mindset shifts you have to...

158 | Badass vs. perfectionist

If you want to build BIG confidence and become a powerful leader, there are certain mindset shifts you have to...

157 | How to speak assertively without feeling or sounding like an a-hole (assertiveness, part 2)

Assertiveness is an essential skill for excelling in your role and becoming a leader in your industry – but it’s...

156 | Why assertiveness can feel so hard, icky, and uncomfortable (assertiveness, part 1)

Today’s episode is for anyone who is struggling with finding a confident & assertive voice at work.  Speaking assertively can...

155 | How to hold your own in meetings when you don’t have as much knowledge as your coworkers

Today’s episode is for you if you want to stop hiding and shrinking away in meetings during moments where you’re...

154 | Present, thinking deeply, moving forward, relentless: how meetings speed up your path to promotion

Today’s episode is for you if you want to advance in your career AND become a powerful presence in meetings. ...

153 | How to sound confident when you’re feeling anxious, intimidated, or small

Most people misunderstand the art of harnessing and projecting confidence when you feel anxious or intimidated.  Honestly, “fake it till...

152 | Why you struggle to speak up in meetings

Welcome to the show!  This week’s episode is for the woman who wants to feel bold and powerful when she...

151 | Confidence and mindset mastery from the inside out with Bryn Drescher

Today’s episode is such a good one!  Today I have on returning guest Bryn Drescher to talk about all things...

150 | The single most important thing for advancing in your career (part 3)

In this final part of the series, I walk through the #1 thing that will impact your professional evolution.  I...

149 | The single most important thing for advancing in your career (part 2)

In part 2 of this 3 part series, I’m mapping out some concrete action steps that will help you advance...

148 | The single most important thing for advancing your career (part 1)

Today’s episode is foundational if you are focused on moving up and advancing professionally.  Sometimes, you get so focused on...

147 | How to deal with difficult coworkers

Today’s episode is perfect for anyone who is experiencing frictions with a challenging coworker(s).  Trust me, I know how frustrating...

146 | Small talk, advocating for a promotion, impostor syndrome, and believing you deserve it with Whitney Walters

This week I’m chatting with corporate professional and PowerPoint Pro Whitney Walters.  Today’s episode is a deep dive on Whitney’s...

145 | Waiting for a promotion vs. asking for a promotion

Today I’m talking all about getting promoted.  In today’s episode, I’m walking you through the difference between waiting for a...

144 | Are you stuck or can you change? (diving deeper into mindset)

Welcome to the show!  This week’s episode is perfect for you if you often worry that maybe you’re not good...

143 | Taking control of your calendar, strengthening your voice, salary negotiation, and staying confident when things get hard with Heather Hernandez

Today’s interview is just wonderful.  Today’s guest Heather is an executive in the healthcare space, and in this conversation she...

142 | How to position yourself as the #1 candidate for your dream role + an important mistake to avoid when advocating for yourself

Grab your workshop ticket here (see you there!):   ~~~~~   Welcome to the show!  Today I’m explaining to...

141 | Public speaking, failure, losing it all: podcast guests open up about their biggest fears

Grab your workshop ticket here (see you there!):   ~~~~~   Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is super...

140 | Alienation, getting support in your confidence building journey, and the differences between coaching and mentorship (Confidence part 6)

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m wrapping up the confidence series, and I’m talking about why it’s so important to...

139 | Myths about building confidence (Confidence part 5)

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m walking you through a short list of myths that often get in the way...

138 | The Confidence Cycle (Confidence part 4)

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m walking you through the Confidence Cycle, which is a simple blueprint to help you...

137 | Confidence 1.0 vs. Confidence 2.0 (Confidence part 3)

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m walking you through an important topic called Confidence 1.0 versus Confidence 2.0.  If you...

136 | Building confidence when you’re feeling awful (Confidence part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of my SIX part series on confidence! Today I’m addressing something that comes up very frequently...

135 | Confidence: the key to becoming an unstoppable leader (Confidence part 1)

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode kicks off a 6 part series all about CONFIDENCE.  In this foundational episode, I’m...

134 | 3 advanced communication skills to help you jump into the conversation during meetings

If you struggle to speak up when you’re in big meetings OR if you find yourself stuck in your head...

133 | Navigating stress, finding inner stability amidst chaos, the magic of going slow, confidence, and the inner critic with Richelle Ludwig

One of the most important steps in your journey of becoming a leader is learning how to build resilience so...

132 | Work less, accomplish MORE, and get the role you really want (the art of influencing, part 2)

This week I’m walking you through part 2 of how to be a powerful influencer.  I’m explaining to you what...

131 | Work less, accomplish MORE, and get the role you really want (the art of influencing, part 1)

I am so pumped about this week’s topic!  This skill has been a game changer for my career, and when...

130 | Six steps to running powerful meetings

Meetings play a huge role in your professional reputation, and when you learn to run them powerfully, your career begins...

129 | The pressure to fit in, how confidence gets built, the discomfort of growth, and proving to yourself you can do it with Marjanna Barber-Dubois

This week I’m chatting with Marjanna Barber-Dubois all about her journey of building confidence and learning to be true to...

128 | The most important skill for accelerating your career and becoming a wildly powerful leader

Ooooooh, this is a good one!   I’m always asking myself how I can give you the tools to accomplish,...

127 | From shy & quiet to confident and commanding (speaking BIG vs. speaking small)

This week I’m giving you a roadmap to help you on your journey from feeling shy and quiet to speaking...

126 | Speaking with confidence even when you’re scared with Amy Cassandra Martinez

Welcome!  In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Actress and professional Entertainment host Amy Cassandra Martinez all about confidence, your voice,...

125 | How to build confidence & strengthen your voice in meetings

This week, I’m chatting about one of my favorite topics: speaking confidently in meetings.  I’m sharing a simple framework you...

124 | How to shatter your impostor syndrome fueled beliefs and show up as a powerful leader

If you struggle with impostor syndrome and notice that fear and doubt are holding you back in your career, this...

123 | Boundaries, people pleasing, crying at work, mental health, worthiness, self-compassion + more with Siria Gutierrez

This week’s episode is a wonderfully long, winding conversation about mental health, confidence, and learning to feel stronger inside and...

122 | The single most important thing for speaking up with strength and power

This week’s episode is perfect for you if you want to sound stronger and more confident when you speak, but...

121 | Myths about executive presence + where your power REALLY comes from

  Welcome to the show!  I’m SO pumped about today’s episode.  I created this episode for anyone who is trying...

120 | The audacity to believe that you can accomplish anything with Angela Duckworth

Today’s interview is jam-packed with wisdom on how to get out of your comfort zone and speak up powerfully!  Today’s...

119 | How your brain tricks you out of having a powerful voice in meetings

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is so much fun, and it’s one that will help you shift your perspective...

118 | Motherhood, body image, the inner critic, being kind to yourself, and having enough time with Hannah Rudnick

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is such a gem of a conversation.  Today I’m chatting with Parent Coach Hannah...

117 | Executive presence: what is it and why does it matter so much?

EEEK! I am rather excited about this episode.  Executive presence is a topic that is so important for your career,...

116 | A deep dive on building confidence with Sheena Yap Chan

Today’s interview is just wonderful – Sheena, our guest, is the host of The Tao of Self-Confidence, a show that...

115 | Big news, my story of finding my voice, and the best career advice I can give you

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is a little different than my usual solo episodes – I’m sharing an exciting...

114 | How to grow sustainable confidence – even if you struggle to be in the spotlight

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is designed to help you build real, lasting confidence – even if you struggle...

113 | Fragile vs. deep confidence, messing up, difficult bosses/work environments, microaggressions + more with Cynthia Pong

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m chatting with feminist career coach, Cynthia Pong.  Cynthia is a career strategist for women...

112 | Mindset 101: Why you have so many negative thoughts + how to tame them (you are not broken)

Are you self-critical?  If so, this episode is for you.  Your brain, when left unchecked, can make you feel awful...

111 | Working through fear and old patterns, finding the courage to speak up, burnout + more with Brenda Baird

On today’s episode we have special guest Brenda Baird (Executive Leadership Coach) on to discuss fear in the workplace. In...

110 | Finding your voice in a meeting full of more senior people

Today’s episode is for you if you find yourself struggling to speak up in meetings with more senior people.  Listen...

109 | Relearning to trust yourself, being an empath, micromanagers, joy, relaxation + more with Rayla Bailey

Welcome to the show!  Today is my favorite kind of interview: long, honest, winding, and a little bit of an...

108 | Becoming the strongest most confident version of you – no matter your struggles

Welcome to another solo episode!  Today, I’m talking about how you can take control of your professional trajectory & pave...

107 | Trust & surrender, following signs, vulnerability with mentors, & the mindset of a leader with Hamidah Thanawala

This conversation is magical and wonderful.  Today’s guest Hamidah is a seasoned professional in the finance industry, and the wisdom...

106 | Your best year ever, part 3: the ONLY thing you need to do to become confident

Time to round out this 3 part series – this episode is my favorite!  I’m walking you through how to...

105 | Your best year ever, part 2: becoming a powerful presence in meetings

Welcome to part 2 of this special series!  Today I’m deep diving into the skill of advocacy, also known as...

104 | Your best year ever, part 1: the 4 skills that will make you unstoppable

Welcome to the show!  It’s wonderful to be back with Season 5 at the start of 2021, and I hope...

103 | Aggressiveness vs. assertiveness, what to put on your resume, my career regrets + more (ask me anything)

Happy end of 2020.  Holy cow – I can’t believe we’re already at the end of the year.  This year...

102 | Things I’m afraid of at work (season 4 finale)

Welcome to the Season 4 finale!  It feels so good to be here, and I can’t wait for you to...

101 | How to be captivating and powerful without sacrificing your authenticity

I am in love with the topic of today’s episode, because it’s all about how to be captivating and powerful...

100 | Confidence, authenticity, career advancement, job changes, growing your salary + more with Rasheeda Williams

Today’s episode is LOADED with career advice and inspiration.  I found today’s guest, Rasheeda, to be infectious with her confidence...

99 | A warm hug of gratitude (special Thanksgiving episode)

Today’s episode is a very special gratitude themed episode in honor of the holiday.  If you want to shift into...

98 | How to project confidence when you’re not feeling confident at all

Today’s episode is for anyone who wants to project confidence at work, but struggles to feel confident deep down inside. ...

97 | A powerful tip to elevate your communication to an executive level

Today’s episode is perfect for anyone who wants to communicate with greater impact and authority at work. Sometimes we think...

96 | How mindset can make you unstoppable with Bryn Drescher

Today’s interview is SO good.  If you like mindset, you will love this conversation.  Today’s guest Bryn is a mindset...

95 | A letter to my inner critic

Welcome to the show!  This week, I’m sharing a letter I wrote to my inner critic.  If you struggle with...

94 | Let’s talk about money

Today’s episode is all about MONEY! It’s time for some raw, unfiltered dialogue about getting past the fears that prevent...

93 | Stage fright, small talk, awkwardness, & how to speak so people listen with Margot Leitman

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is perfect for those of you who want to improve your communication skills and...

92 | Finding your voice at work

Today’s episode is a mini episode with some advice on how to get past your fear and speak more freely...

91 | Building the confidence to speak up at work – even when you doubt yourself

Today’s episode is about two of my favorite topics: feeling confident and speaking up at work.  If you are wanting...

90 | Managing your inner critic and getting out of the self-doubt spiral with Meg Duffy

Welcome to the show!  Today I am chatting with Meg Duffy, who specializes in helping women build careers in tech. ...

89 | How to feel less debilitated by impostor syndrome

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m sharing advice on what to do when you find yourself struggling with impostor syndrome,...

ASK ME ANYTHING: submit your questions for an ask me anything episode

Submit your anonymous question here:    

88 | When your manager isn’t available to help you make decisions

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m sharing advice on what to do when you find yourself needing input from your...

87 | Learning to trust in your abilities with Keisha Greaves

Welcome to the show!  Today’s guest really inspired me with her story about moving from fashion merchandising, to building her...

86 | Managing self-criticism, loving yourself, & creating your own definition of confidence with Leonela Vaccaro Padron

Welcome to the show!  In today’s episode, I’m talking with today’s guest Leonela all about her career journey.  In today’s...

85 | An easy way to sound like an exec when you speak up at work

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is perfect for you if you want to sound more credible when you speak...

84 | Cultivating limitless confidence, strength, and inner peace with Ashlee Leppert

Today we invite special guest, Ashlee Leppert a recent veteran of the United States coast guard, and even more recent...

83 | Breaking up with the exclamation point: reflections on letting go of “nice”

Today’s episode is another piece of my writing that I’m sharing with you.  It’s about what it means to build...

83 | Breaking up with the exclamation point: reflections on letting go of “nice”

Today’s episode is another piece of my writing that I’m sharing with you.  It’s about what it means to build...

82 | How to deal with “what if I’m not good enough?” with Leigha May

Welcome to the show!  If you’re interested in joining the August 9th event, you can find the link here:

81 | Assertiveness: why it matters and why it can feel so hard

Welcome!  I’m so excited to announce the release of my new ebook “Speak Without Fear: The Smart Ambitious Woman’s Guide...

80 | How to take control of your career advancement (even if you’re afraid) with Jeanette Jordan

Welcome to the show!  Today’s guest Jeanette is a triple threat: podcast host, marketing executive, and career coach.  This episode...

79 | Cultivating a strong sense of self at work with Kara Diane

Welcome to the show!  Today I’m talking with ex-engineer and current Coach/Consultant Kara.  This conversation is deep, honest, and full...

78 | How to know when you should share your idea at work + anti-racism update

Anti-racism resources: That’s Not How That Works Podcast:   Weeze’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Course:   Weeze’s...

77 | “What if my question is stupid?” – How smart people voice their questions

Welcome to the show!  Today’s episode is for you if you have ever found yourself feeling confused, but have been...

76 | Resilience, inner strength, and overcoming workplace obstacles: 5 Black female perspectives

This week on the show, I’m highlighting the voices and perspectives of 5 interviewees who have opened up about challenges...

75 | Checking in // Black Lives Matter

Anti-racism,  racial justice, & diversity & inclusion resources:     The Trill MBA Show by Felicia Ann Rose Enuha Corporate...

74 | How to feel better by managing your thoughts with Erin Foley

Today we are back with PART 2 of my discussion with the incredible Erin Foley.  She’s a ninja-level mindset coach...

73 | Letting go of worry and choosing the path of confidence & inner peace with Erin Foley

Welcome to the show!  I am so pumped about today’s episode, because I am speaking with Erin Foley, a guest...

72 | How to speak up confidently at work

Welcome to the show!!!  Can you tell that I’m a bit overexcited about today’s episode?  Well, that’s because we’re combining...

71 | From struggle to rock solid confidence, how to get noticed, compensation as an exec + more with Amelia Anderson

Welcome to the show and to Season 4!  It’s great to be back, and I’m so excited to kick off...

70 | My first run-in with impostor syndrome + achieve your FULL potential & do not hold yourself back

Today’s episode is a dose of motivation for anyone who is struggling with self doubt.  I want you to know...

69 | How to speak to yourself kindly during moments of uncertainty and fear

In light of the difficult global circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, I wanted to share an episode on how to...

68 | How do I confidently position myself for a role that doesn’t 100% match my experience? (Listener Q&A)

Welcome to the show!  In today’s bonus episode, you will be hearing from my Season 3 guests as they answer...

67 | The moment of dread before you introduce yourself to the room: a story of struggle (season 3 finale)

Welcome to the final episode of Season 3!  If you have struggled with fear, dread, or anxiety at the thought...

66 | Understanding what lights you up vs. drains you at work using Myers-Briggs with Caitlin Hawekotte

We’re back again this week with Caitlin!  Perhaps the only thing I like more than strengths is Myers Briggs, also...

65 | The transformational power of discovering your unique strengths with Caitlin Hawekotte

Welcome to the show!  Today’s conversation is all about my favorite topic – STRENGTHS!  Today’s guest is a certified Clifton...

64 | The assertiveness struggle, managing overwhelm, work/life balance + more with Svetlana Carter

Welcome to the show!  In this week’s episode, I’m chatting with guest Svetlana Carter all about her career journey, where...

63 | Authenticity at work, genuine confidence vs. addiction to praise, career pivots + more with Amy Giddon

Welcome to the show!  This week, I’m chatting with Amy Giddon, founder of the Daily Haloha app.  This conversation is...

62 | How to effectively lead meetings, part 3: when the meeting goes off the rails

I hope you enjoy part 3 in this mini bonus series on how to effectively lead meetings!

61 | How to effectively lead meetings, part 2: secret allies

In this bonus episode, I’m sharing part 2 of my favorite strategies for effectively leading productive meetings!

60 | How to effectively lead meetings, part 1: Getting the outcome you want + the power of WHY

Today’s episode was inspired by a listener who asked me for advice on how to effectively run big, messy, cross...

59 | The neverending journey of building self-confidence with Daree Allen Nieves

Welcome to the show!  In this episode, we’re talking about a favorite topic of mine: self confidence. Today the tables...

58 | Job searching mindset/fear, salary negotiation discomfort, resume tips + more with Nikki aka @CorporateMelaninMillennial

Welcome to the show!  This week I’m chatting with Nikki, aka The CorporateMelaninMilleniall all about job searching, fear, salary negotiation,...

57 | Walk into the room with confidence, win over your coworkers, & handle rejection gracefully with Kirsten Clarkson

Welcome to the show!  Today’s conversation is all about creating and radiating confidence from the inside out.  So often, we...

56 | Your next promotion, part 2: The lies your brain tells that make you too afraid to take action

Welcome to the show!  In today’s solo episode, I am continuing on the previous episode (part 1), where I shared...

55 | Your next promotion, part 1: Get what you want by asking for what you want

Welcome to the show!  In today’s episode, I’m outlining why asking for what you want is the key to accelerating...

54 | Finding the confidence to face & overcome your professional struggles with Petal Modeste

Today I am talking with Petal Modeste, Associate Dean of Student Affairs Administration at Columbia Law School.  In this conversation,...

53 | When your career starts to take off in unexpected ways

Today’s episode is all about the light at the end of the tunnel – the positive things that start rolling...

52 | Embracing the discomfort of professional growth and learning to trust that you belong with Marissa Germain

This week on the show, I’m talking with guest Marissa all about her professional growth and the challenges she’s grown...

51 | The Art of Speaking Up, Sitcom Edition: A special (comedic) episode celebrating the 1st BIRTHDAY of the podcast!!!

Today we are celebrating the podcast turning 1!!!   In honor of this birthday, I decided to stray from the...

50 | The 3 most important steps towards your next promotion + the fears that get in the way

Welcome to the show!  In this solo episode, I’m walking through a simple 3-step map that you can use to...

49 | Move past shyness & fear of judgment so you can show up powerfully + authentically at work with Sarah Ghattas

If you have ever worried that you’ll never be outgoing or bold enough to advance to higher levels of leadership...

48 | Silence the noise of self-criticism so you can unleash your deepest strengths, powers, & ambitions

Do you find yourself getting swept away by the negative chatter that permeates your mind?   Do you feel like...

47 | Building unshakeable inner strength + refusing to compromise on your goals and dreams with Qaali Hussein

**Check out Qaali’s brand new podcast here!**   And check out her article here: ~~~ This week, I’m...

46 | Tap into your unique gifts & superpowers and finally stop worrying about what other people think with Tami Lyon

In today’s episode, I’m talking with a listener of the podcast, Tami Lyons!  In this interview, she opens up about...

45 | Let go of struggle and bring more joy, ease, and confidence into life & work with Charlotte Kaye

Welcome to a summer bonus episode!  In this bonus episode I’m chatting with a good friend of mine and women’s...

44 | You can 100% find the confidence to pursue your next promotion – even if you struggle with self-doubt

Come join me on Instagram (@theartofspeakingup)! Today’s bonus episode is intended to help you build courage if you know you...

43 | Leave fear behind and show up bigger than you ever have before (Season 2 finale)

Welcome to the Finale of Season 2 of the show! Keeping consistent with Season 1’s theme, in today’s season Finale...

42 | Letting go of inhibition, femininity in hypermasculine work environments, balance vs. burnout & more with Camila Mize

We all want to feel strong and confident at work, no doubt.  But for women – it can be hard. ...

41 | How to tap into confidence when you’re deep in struggle + the hidden value in uncomfortable situations with Erin Foley

Feeling confident at work is pretty much a universal desire – I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t interested in feeling...

40 | Afraid you’re not good enough for your job? How to stop fearing incompetence with Erin Foley

Do you struggle to believe that you belong in, and are good enough for your job?  Do you feel like...

39 | What to do when you can’t stop fixating on your flaws and perceived weaknesses

Do you spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the areas where you struggle?  When you run into...

38 | The psychology of the voice + how to express authentic power through the sound of your voice with Tracy Goodwin

Are you self-conscious about the sound of your own voice? Do you hesitate to speak up for fear that you...

37 | Shift your mindset and transform career uncertainty into a sense of possibility & adventure with Charissa Stowers

Have you ever felt uncertain about your career path, wondering whether you’re moving in the right direction and whether you...

36 | Exploring the fears that lie beneath excessive niceness and people pleasing

Do you ever find yourself being excessively nice or getting addicted to people pleasing in the workplace? If you answered...

35 | Winding career paths, not caring what other people think, showing up as a leader + more with Trina Martin

We’re all trying to be more confident at work, which is why I love talking with women who exude an...

34 | Being confused at work doesn’t mean you’re dumb + why it’s ok to ask ‘stupid’ questions

Have you ever found yourself feeling confused at work, having no idea what the people around you are saying? Does...

33 | What to do when your fears are getting in the way of showing up the way you truly want to with Jess Ratcliffe

If you discovered that you only had a decade left in your career, how might you begin to show up...

32 | Uncover your strengths and let them spill out into every element of your career

If you’ve ever wondered, “how do I uncover my strengths?” then today’s episode is for you! If you only ever...

31 | The science behind visualization and how to use it to speak up at work (Bonus with Geeta Chaudhry)

In this week’s bonus episode, Geeta explains why visualization works from a scientific perspective, and explains how we can use...

30 | Get past the fear of not being ‘smart enough’ and tap into your innate capabilities with Geeta Chaudhry

When things get tough at work, we have a tendency to blame ourselves.  We may wonder whether we lack the...

29 | Mentors, perfectionism, introvert-friendly networking, and feminine power with Asari Aniagolu

I loved this week’s conversation with Asari so much.  Asari is an attorney who opens up about how she’s built...

28 | Why it’s so hard to say ‘no’ and how to create boundaries & stop people pleasing with Vicky S. Joseph

I know very few women who don’t struggle with saying ‘no’ – especially in a professional environment.  It’s often instinctual...

27 | My struggle with self-confidence and what I wish I had known sooner

Self-confidence can be one of the most important, and also one of the most elusive feelings that we pursue in...

26 | Career advancement, confidence, and anxiety / depression / PTSD in the workplace with Rachel Snethen

Life can be hard, and it’s nearly impossible for our careers not to feel the strain of the challenges that...

25 | Step back and see the bigger picture of your career so you can go after what you want with Tasha Thomas

If I had to boil women’s empowerment down to just one thing, it would be mindset.  In my view, mindset...

24 | The BENEFITS of being introverted at work: why you’re uniquely suited to speak up with impact (really!)

In today’s BONUS episode, I talk about why it is perfectly OK not to be the loudest, boldest, or most...

23 | On building confidence and creating a fulfilling career – even when life gets in the way with Nicole Martins

This week I chat with Nicole Martins all about her career journey in the legal field.  Nicole opens up about...

22 | How I’m dealing with my inner critic (Season 1 finale)

Join the facebook group!   This week’s episode is a solo episode, where I explore the emergence of my...

21 | Salary negotiation 101 and why it’s totally normal to be scared to ask for more with Regina Romeo

This week I chatted with Regina Romeo about her career in HR and everything she’s learned along the way about...

20 | How to stop saying yes to everything + how top performers cultivate work life balance with Alexia Friend

This week, I’m talking with a childhood best friend of mine and landscape architect, Alexia Friend.  In this episode, Alexia...

19 | On making big, scary career changes, career uncertainty, & why we’re afraid of new things with Meg Duffy

This week I chatted with career coach Meg Duffy about the work she does helping women make career transitions.  Meg...

18 | People pleasing, insecurities in the workplace, and processing negative emotions with Risha London Nathan

Today I’m chatting with licensed therapist, Risha London Nathan, about her work as a therapist and how she supports female...

17 | Navigating toxic masculinity & alpha male behavior in the workplace with Helen Foster

This week I chatted with Helen Foster about toxic masculinity in the workplace.  Our conversation was recorded back in September...

16 | Why it’s hard to be yourself at work

In this solo episode, I talk about why it can be so hard for us to be ourselves at work. ...

15 | Overcoming shyness and tapping into your authentic voice with Lainey Crawford

This week, I talk with women’s empowerment coach Lainey Crawford about moving through feelings of shyness and letting more of...

14 | Mental drama & getting out of the overwhelm spiral with Samantha Siffring

Samantha Siffring is a business coach who works with working moms who are growing their online businesses. Overwhelm and mental...

13 | Burnout, self-sabotage, the inner critic, and seeking external validation at work with Brenda Baird

CEO turned life coach Brenda Baird unpacks why we feel anxiety, stress, and unhappiness at work.  She talks about how...

12 | Finding peace when work triggers negative emotions with Courtney Clifford

Whether it’s a frustrating project, a co-worker you don’t get along with, or just mental exhaustion – this conversation with...

11 | Landing a dream job without the ‘right’ experience + the freedom to ask ‘dumb’ questions with Britt Olson

This episode is all about pursuing your career goals without hesitation.  Britt’s story of landing a coveted tech role without...

10 | On dreaming big: permission to set your career goals ridiculously high

We need more female leaders in Corporate America, which means that as women, dreaming big for ourselves is not just...

9 | How to get unstuck from the Monday-Friday grind and bring positivity and playfulness into your career with Carrie Clarke

~~ Want to submit a listener question to be answered on the show?  DM @theartofspeakingup on Instagram or email

8 | The mental & emotional challenges of job searching, interviewing, and salary negotiation with Shea Odell-Scott

~~ Want to submit a listener question to be answered on the show?  DM @theartofspeakingup on Instagram or email

7 | How to cultivate inner peace and presence when work gets to be too much with Charlotte Myers

Once upon a time, before smartphones were the norm, my employer gave me a Blackberry phone so that I could...

6 | Why assertiveness can feel uncomfortable and how to ease into it with Kourtney Keaton

I remember getting feedback early on in my career that told me that I needed to learn to be more...

5 | Olivia Mitchell explains how to get comfortable speaking in front of groups – even if you’re shy or afraid

Speaking in front of groups can be not only challenging – but for many of us, it can be extremely...

4 | Navigating male dominated workplaces with Kaitlin Maud (Part 2)

In part 2 of my conversation with Kaitlin, she talks about the struggles of navigating her early career days as...

3 | Impostor syndrome, self-worth, & building soft skills with Kaitlin Maud (Part 1)

This show was designed to do two things: share real stories about personal growth from real working women, and give...

2 | “But what if my idea is stupid?” – why we keep quiet + how to build the courage to speak up with Rose Kirby

I would be overjoyed if you promised me this one thing: next time you’re debating whether you should share your...

1 | Welcome! What to expect + how this show will help you

In this episode, I share a little bit about my inspiration for creating the show.  Spoiler:  I was incredibly awkward,...